What is Utilitarianism?
Utilitarism or Utilitarian Morality is a philosophical movement that argues that the action that ensures the good of the most people is the best and most correct action, and if it is the majority, it can be risked to harm a small number of people.
In Bentham's words, "if an action increases a person's happiness in general, more specifically his current pleasure, or somehow reduces the pain the person experiences at that moment, only then does it comply with the principle of utility." (Güçlü et al., 2002).
This philosophy, while effective in addressing public welfare, sometimes overlooks marginalized groups. For instance, utilitarian principles underpinned the clearance of slums for urban renewal, displacing residents without adequate alternatives.
- Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü 1. Sınıf “Felsefeye Giriş” ve 3. Sınıf “Çağdaş Felsefe Tarihi” Dersi Ders Notları (Ömer YILDIRIM); Açık Öğretim Felsefe Ders Kitabı
- https://www.felsefe.gen.tr/utilitarizm-faydaci-ahlak-nedir-ne-demektir/
- Tardi, C. (2024, May 6). Utilitarianism: what it is, founders, and main principles. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/utilitarianism.asp#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways,the%20greatest%20number%20of%20people.%22
- Wikipedia contributors. (2024h, December 21). Utilitarianism. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism
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